Really….What is oil pulling and why it is significant?

Feb 28th, 2019   /   0 COMMENTS   /  A+ | a-
Oil pulling is based on Ayurvedic medicine dating back over thousands of years.  It is so simple that most can’t believe that it can be effective.  Oil pulling involves placing a tablespoon of sesame, coconut or sunflower seed oil in the mouth for about twenty minutes and then spitting it out in the trash.  The oil most used is coconut oil because it has antibacterial & antifungal properties.  Most folks also use coconut oil because it has a relatively pleasant taste.  The proponents say that it freshens breath, whitens teeth and promotes healthy gums.  They even say that it can even help prevent cavities.  The opponents simply regard it as a type of modern day “snake oil” that has resurfaced and has little or no merit.  The naysayers also feel that the regimen is backed by limited proof and research. 

We live in a society where folks need access to information on both sides to make informed decisions.  Yes, there is research to validate the fact coconut oil does reduce the number of Streptococcus mutans; this bacteria is one of the leading causes of tooth decay.  Studies have also demonstrated that the coconut oil also helps promote healthy gums by reducing plaque formation after about a week.   

It is a known and proven fact that there is a strong link between oral health and systemic diseases.  In fact,  the oral cavity serves as a point of entry for pathogens into the blood stream.  This happens because bleeding in the mouth can happen very easily.  Even innocuous brushing or flossing can cause some hemorrhaging which allow bacteria, viruses and toxins to enter the circulatory system.  The next occurrence that can happen is that those entities can become lodged in the heart, stomach, lungs and even bones.  The controversy is that some believe that oil pulling can somehow disrupt the havoc that is created by those pathogens.  While others don't believe that to be possible. 

We believe that you should be well informed and be given enough information to consider trying our Oratrue Oil Pulling Product.

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